
I actually had a thought on this before I read the current line of discussion. Alot has been highlighted on the nature of a 501(c)3 and what it can and cannot do (feel free to read up on the publications). A 501(c)7 is also a route we may wish to take (depending on California Law and if the filing for determination process had not already proceeded). I also noted that keeping it for Amateur use by Hams is a very good idea.

Also recall that we need to keep the network flexible, as testing and development of new protocols and types of equipment, etc. is also something that may become of interest in the future. Also, if you are going to announce space, I am capable of having it housed; so agreements regarding equipment, etc. would be on an Intergovernmental network in my area that RACES and local Emergency Radio Foundation will petition for a seat on
, we don't happen to have any carrier-grade network equipment in our shacks on the East Coast (lol).. HSMM-MESH seems like something we want to experiment on right now.

In addition, we peer with non-commercial networks; NetworkMaryland is the ISP that we wish to approach for holding an announcement. And it will be Internally BGPed to my County. I'd like to talk with my State Coordinator about this. I know that we are a network neighbour to the backbone and other carries as well.

