Le 13/06/2024 à 22:31, Rosy Schechter - KJ7RYV via 44net a écrit :
> A reminder to please refrain from using derogatory phrasing (e.g.
> calling someone incompetent) as
> you communicate about your complaints regarding these changes, as
> well as behavior that could be
> considered trolling. I appreciate those of you who have spoken up
> and shared your questions in a
> respectful nature.
But the reverse is not true.
So thank you to all those who work for this network, even if at the moment
I'm having a bit of trouble finding the IP 44.151 management...
Anyway, there's no hurry, it's an experimental network.
Best regards,
Ludovic - F5PBG
https://www.youtube.com/@F5PBG/streams (sorry in french...)