Chris - 

Apologies for the confusion, I was following the AMPRNet VPN instructions on and, based on other things I’ve seen on the list, assumed that messaging here would be the most appropriate path to seek assistance. 


On 17 Sep 2023, at 15:16, Chris <> wrote:

Hi Dave,

First of all there is currently no “AMPRNet” VPN, i.e. ARDC are not yet providing such a service, although the TAC are currently working on this.

So I guess you must be trying to connect to an independent VPN server that has been setup by another ham, in which case you would probably get more specific answers if you were to contact that person for assistance.

Otherwise, if you can provide a bit more context some folks on this list may be able to assist you, there may be someone that is already connecting to the same VPN, for example, and may therefore have experience that is specific to that VPN.

Chris - G1FEF

ARDC Administrator


On 17 Sep 2023, at 12:33, Dave Hibberd via 44net <> wrote:

Hi all,

I’ve been trying off and on over the last few days to set up a VPN connection to amprnet to use my new allocation.

I’m not succeeding on multiple linux machines and a macOS device and seeing a couple of the same errors -

OpenSSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch
Cannot load private key file /etc/openvpn/client.key
Error: private key password verification failed

The first is related to, I assume, my user certificate - is this a fatal error and am I doing something wrong, has the advice changed from `cat certs/user certs/authorities > client.crt`?

Secondly, the password verification is confusing me - I have just imported a new tqsl cert generated this week, and in tqsl it advises me there’s no certificate passphrase. I’m not sure what to do here - if I try and export a .p12 from tqsl, and generate keys from that, I am asked for a password too and that ends in no progress.

I see the same errors in tunnelblick on MacOS.

Is there any reason I’m being asked for a password? My current LoTW password doesn’t resolve this. My concern is that there is some password I’m missing from when the certificate was first generated years ago and that now prevents me from accessing the VPN.

Cheers & 73
Hibby MM0RFN.
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