First off I don't claim to know much about VPNs and encapsulation.
Everyone I talk to tells me openvpn should do what I want.
I take it that is a state full type of connection?
Brian, the problem I see if if I setup another rip44 listener gateway, how do I
direct the encapped traffic to our natted, internal IP? An entry in the portal
will get it to their router (outside address), but having them place a
forwarding rule to get it from there to out 192 internet address probably won't
---- Quote------
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 12:38:01AM -0500, kb9mwr at wrote:
> It doesn't really make sense to put another gateway in the portal, as I
> doubt the rip packets will pass though.
The AMPRNet internal RIP packets from 'amprgw' are sent encapsulated,
so if you can do IP-IP tunnels at all, the RIP should get through too.
One way to see whether a firewall will pass IP-IP tunnels is to add
its address as a gateway and see if you get tunnel traffic on the other
side. Since the internal RIP is sent every 5 minutes, it can be a simple
test of your incoming connectivity.
- Brian