I know this is fine in regular IP routing, but is it o.k. with the AMPRgw?
I have a gateway that serves a /28 address space.
I’d like to do some testing using a couple of the addresses in that space on a different gateway.
So, I’d like to add another gateway entry for just those two addresses without modifying the existing gateway entry for the /28.
Regular IP longest match should prefer the /32 matches for the new gateway over the longer /28 match for the existing gateway.
But before I implement, I wanted to verify whether or not this would be o.k. with the portal database, the amprgw RIP routing mechanism, etc.
BTW, this would be a nice, generalized solution for a backup gateway. That is, if the more specific route goes away, the more general route could be used.
So, is this o.k. to do or not? If not, why not?
Thanks much,