Hello AMPR folk,

I'm curious if there is an map of *active* geo-ip located AMPR stations out there?  Ideally, I'm thinking of something like the various CONVERSE maps out there .. for example: http://www.wwconvers.ampr.org/ . The Michagan AMPR people do have a live monitoring system but it's text based:  http://server1.nuge.com/~drg/network.html and I'm specifically looking for a Northern California map.  Maybe there is something like an MRTG system that actively probes these systems from say the AMPR hub in San Diego?

I'm also curious if anyone has ever heard of the following: 

I'm going on a vacation this summer where I know there isn't any reachable packet systems (both APRS or known packet systems) due to the mountain terrain.  I know because I was there last year and though I could hear very faint packet stations, nothing could be decoded.  What *is* available here is the commercial cell network and what I was thinking was tethering my Linux machine to the cell IP network and running an AXIP/AXUDP tunnel to re-link into the fairly extensive 145.050 KB2KB packet network:  http://varmintal.com/ahamp.htm .  I don't think this would be too difficult but what I'm trying to figure out is if it's possible to have my Linux machine send beacons, netrom updates, etc. from my machine via a tunnel to a remote AMPR station (proxy arp if you will) and then have all those AX.25 packets broadcasted on RF from there.  There are a few Northern Califnornia Linux-based stations I know of that are on AMPR with JNOS that might be willing to try something like this but I wanted to run it by the group to see if it's been done / impossible / etc.
