Hello Kun,


Sunce around May 3 I have been unable to get a copy of the full encap file.

I can access the HTML portal ok.


My four sources are not working. What am I missing?

Mail – no encap file from the portal.

Jnos2 wget ftp script I have used for several years has now failed.

Unable to manually download encap from the portal as there seems to be no obvious link supplied.

Ampr-rip2 is not working and there is very little configuration on the net. I have downloaded the file, installed it and run it but nothing happens. (var/lib/encap.txt file is there empty)


Any info from the group on ampr-rip2 setup would be appreciated please.

(it is  behind a firewall and all other JNOS2 functions are working)


Many thanks

Rob vk1kw@netspace.net.au