FWIW, Chris deleted n9dk-1 and -2 for me after we discussed and I had made my migration into my n9dk subdomain. It went smoothly.


Sent from my mobile...

On Fri, Jun 14, 2024, 1:48 AM Chris via 44net <44net@mailman.ampr.org> wrote:
Hi Lynwood,

On 14 Jun 2024, at 09:20, lleachii--- via 44net <44net@mailman.ampr.org> wrote:


Thanks for steering things back on topic. I trust if I maintain civil discussions, all is well.


Since we now understand privately Rosy in judgment of you position deferres to you technically,  which I respect - I hope you now consider my simple 2 inquiries that began (what I understood) to be why I responded about one or two of my examle records that I'm having issues claiming (as the tickets are on hold for different reasons, one assuming I just accepted a categorical name change in lieu of my claim ticketS), where you mentioned a ticket - as follows:

I have logged in and understand that the portal system says "with user".

Yes, “with user” means the ticket is with you and waiting for your response.

What I do not understand is this -
  • Is there a policy in place?
Relating to subdomains? No, not yet. As Rosy said we are developing this policy right now. My hope is that it will be ready soon (days or weeks, hopefully not months).
  • Will you then proceed to delete these "non callsign" entries once one it is implemented?
As the policy is not in force yet, I cannot answer this question as it will depend on what the policy ends up stating.

Right now we have an SOP in place that that we are working to:

- We would prefer everyone to use the callsign.ampr.org format, if you request a subdomain in this format it will be automatically approved provided:
- The call sign is yours,
- The call sign has been verified.
- If you request a subdomain based on one of your call signs that has not been verified you will see a popup advising you to get it verified first, then come back and request the subdomain.
- If you request a subdomain that is not based on one of your call signs it will popup a warning advising what our preferred format is.
- In both the above two cases you have the option to ignore the warning and continue, in which case a ticket will be created for manual processing.
- If we receive a ticket for a subdomain that does not exist in DNS yet (i.e. a new request) the request will be considered on a case by case basis, you may be asked to justify your request, so we can understand if your use case is a good fit, often these requests will be discussed amongst the ARDC staff to gain consensus on the final decision.
- If we receive a ticket for a subdomain that already exists in DNS we will first of all attempt to ascertain if you have a legitimate right to request it, e.g. do the existing DNS records match one of your network assignments, or if you are a coordinator one of the network allocations you look after, failing that we will ask you to justify your request. If we are satisfied that your request is legitimate, i.e. you’re not trying to steal someone else’s subdomain! then your request will be approved with the following proviso / warning:

—8< snip >8---

Important notice about this subdomain approval

Over the past decade, ARDC has accumulated a database of over 51,000 DNS entries, the vast majority of which are unused and “ownership” is unknown. The rollout of the new Portal allows us to clean this up.

Thus, in the coming months, ARDC will update our policy around top-level subdomain requests using ampr.org. Subdomains using the format of callsign.ampr.org will be automatically approved; all others will be reviewed by our team. Once approved, you may create lower-level subdomains (e.g., foo.callsign.ampr.org) without further approval.

Administrative access to this non-callsign subdomain is being temporarily approved while this policy is being developed. Thus, please consider access to this subdomain as temporary.

Once an official policy is in place, we will have a transition period before the official deprecation of subdomains such as this one. 

Please direct any questions to newportal@ampr.org

—8< snip >8—

I hope this clears things up.


I have some other things to discuss, like the server in the UK that till has high latency for users on other continents, etc. - I'll message you.


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