Hello Rebecca,

The new portal allows members to manage their own DNS records. You can also claim any existing DNS records under ampr.org in the zonefile.

Why would the new portal system let people manipulate DNS records for other people's allocations?  That sounds like a very bad idea.

Option 2 (Recommended ONLY for certain use cases):
. . .

Once you have found your records, click on the "Claim" icon, which will create a new ticket for an admin to process. Keep an eye out for ticket updates, as the admin may wish to ask questions to clarify your request. If the admin is happy with your request, your request will be approved, and your DNS record will be assigned to your account. You can view the record by selecting "My records" from the "DNS" menu.

Who is this "admin"?  Is this the regional AMPR subnet coordinator that will review and bless this "DNS claim"?

I need to check out the new portal now that it's back up but were all the old DNS records pulled into the portal system?  I know at least in my zone, there are still some legacy DNS entries that don't reflect to specific allocations that the old AMPR portal had any record of.  This all happened with a previous regional coordinator and while I continue to try to contact these people, it's very VERY slow going.
