Chris at al,

I want to remind everyone of this. 

As far as I'm aware the portal policy has Sai that if you don't login with 6 months (or something as such) your "resources" can be removed.

I don't understand why we all can proceed with and you delete all the state records.

So next question technically- Why the resistance if any one of us agreed already to return our resources for e.g. if as we as in the US IT industry "get hit by a bus" and become an SK. In 6 months or so...viola.


-------- Original message --------
From: lleachii--- via 44net <>
Date: 6/14/24 04:21 (GMT-05:00)
To: lleachii--- via 44net <>
Subject: [44net] Point 3 - The subdomain policy that is in progress


Thanks for steering things back on topic. I trust if I maintain civil discussions, all is well.

Since we now understand privately Rosy in judgment of you position deferres to you technically,  which I respect - I hope you now consider my simple 2 inquiries that began (what I understood) to be why I responded about one or two of my examle records that I'm having issues claiming (as the tickets are on hold for different reasons, one assuming I just accepted a categorical name change in lieu of my claim ticketS), where you mentioned a ticket - as follows:

I have logged in and understand that the portal system says "with user".

What I do not understand is this -
I have some other things to discuss, like the server in the UK that till has high latency for users on other continents, etc. - I'll message you.