Hey Everyone,

Below are some updates from this week regarding 44Net:

As of today, 

Since April 3, we have closed 2,572 tickets. 

We are currently taking roll to identify our active regional coordinators. If you are an active regional coordinator and would like to remain in the role, please let Adam KC7GDY, our IT & Development Manager, know via email (adam@ardc.net) if you haven’t already!

On the note of Regional Coordinators, we’re in the process of scheduling our next meeting for early/mid-October: https://ardc.groups.io/g/coordinators/topic/scheduling_the_october/108526267. If you haven’t already, please respond to the above thread and let us know if the days/times presented will work for you. 

Last week, Rosy sent out drafts of both the DNS policy and the EULA for review (attached). If you have any input, please feel free to ask questions in this thread or send a note to Rosy (rosy@ardc.net) within the next week, as we will be sending these items to the Board after that for final approval and implementation.

If there’s anything within the documentation that is not clear or intuitive, please let us know at newportal@ardc.net. Portal documentation can be found below:

Please note that wiki updates can be made directly if you have an account on wiki.ampr.org. If you don’t have a wiki account and would like one, you can request an account setup by emailing wiki@ampr.org

As always, let us know if you have any questions!

73, and have a great weekend,



Rebecca Key - KO4KVG
Communicaions Manager
Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC)