I'm also one who finds generic "your ticket status email has been updated" almost useless, because for a whole host of reasons I may not be in a position to go through the context switch of clicking on a link to check (among other things that can start a journey down a rabbit hole :) ).  A bit more information would help, such as:

Title/subject - this helps to re-establish the context of the ticket, especially if one has a couple open.

Status - Is it still open or closed?  Nothing worse than going through the motions just to see it's closed, especially if you've indicated the issue is resolved.  A status update could be a confirmation that the ticket is closed or ARDC actually does need more information (see below). 

Waiting for response/Action required (if ARDC needs you to do something) - Is the ARDC team waiting for a response from you, so the ticket can be progressed?  This is probably the most important piece of information for obvious reasons.

No PII there, but enough information to triage the response from the ticketing system from the email alone.

And of course, if that isn't enough, there is always the link to the ticket for further information as you say.

Just a suggestion, in the interests of better accessibility.

On 13/6/24 5:59 am, Chris via 44net wrote:
The average user will only have a very small number of tickets open, most likely only 1 or 2 so you would know what it is about, also the email has a link that will take you straight to the ticket, couldn’t be easier!

I personally don't like putting too much information in an insecure format such as emails. Ticket updates may often contain PII which would be inappropriate to include in an email.

Chris - G1FEF

ARDC Administrator

Web: https://www.ardc.net

On 12 Jun 2024, at 20:34, Charles J. Hargrove via 44net <44net@mailman.ampr.org> wrote:

How about changing the emails sent out from the ticketing system to
actually tell us what the action is about? Nebulous "your ticket has
been worked on" type messages is wasting time. Allocation request emails
used to include the data about the requester and the actual text of the
note that they submitted. Now the email just notifies me that a ticket
is waiting.

On 6/12/2024 3:16 PM, Chris via 44net wrote:
Please check your tickets, I replied 2 day ago, just waiting on your reply.
Chris - G1FEF

Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV
NYC-ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.

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on 7.036 Mhz USB (alt 3.536)/1500 hz waterfall spot; MFSK-16 or 32

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73 de Tony VK3JED/VK3IRL