Hi Lynwood,

On 14 Jun 2024, at 09:38, lleachii--- via 44net <44net@mailman.ampr.org> wrote:

Chris at al,

I want to remind everyone of this. 

As far as I'm aware the portal policy has Sai that if you don't login with 6 months (or something as such) your "resources" can be removed.

The new portal is currently following exactly the same workflow as the old portal in this regard:

- If you have not logged in for 6 months you get an email reminding you to login at least once a year.
- If you have not logged in for 9 months you get another email warning you that you may lose your resources if you don't login.
- If you still haven’t logged in after a year you get a final email advising you that your account will be removed in 3 months.
- At 15 months if you haven’t logged in, then your account, along with any resources under it such as network assignments, are removed.
- The exception currently being coordinator accounts, in this case regional or country allocations are not deleted but instead reassigned to ARDC.

I don't understand why we all can proceed with and you delete all the state records.

The problem we have is that for 48,000+ out of the 51,000 or so DNS records that exist, we don't know who they belong to. If we just delete them it would undoubtedly cause some people problems. That said, if anyone has a list of known stale DNS records, e.g. I know that some coordinators do keep lists of such things, then we would be happy to receive such information so that we can remove any DNS records that are confirmed as stale / unused. Please either email them to newportal@ardc.net or open a DNS support ticket on the portal.

So next question technically- Why the resistance if any one of us agreed already to return our resources for e.g. if as we as in the US IT industry "get hit by a bus" and become an SK. In 6 months or so...viola.

The plan is to do exactly this - we are in a “grace” period at the moment, where we are asking everyone to claim records that are theirs or that they know for certain are live / in use.

After this grace period has expired (likely at least 6 months) we will look at deactivating any unclaimed DNS records. By deactivating I mean we can turn them off, so they no longer appear in the ampr.org zone file, but they will still exist in the portal database. If anyone then contacts us to ask why their records have disappeared we can re-enable their records and get them associated with their portal account. After a further period any remaining records that have not been claimed will eventually be deleted from the database.

Chris - G1FEF


-------- Original message --------
From: lleachii--- via 44net <44net@mailman.ampr.org>
Date: 6/14/24 04:21 (GMT-05:00)
To: lleachii--- via 44net <44net@mailman.ampr.org>
Subject: [44net] Point 3 - The subdomain policy that is in progress


Thanks for steering things back on topic. I trust if I maintain civil discussions, all is well.

Since we now understand privately Rosy in judgment of you position deferres to you technically,  which I respect - I hope you now consider my simple 2 inquiries that began (what I understood) to be why I responded about one or two of my examle records that I'm having issues claiming (as the tickets are on hold for different reasons, one assuming I just accepted a categorical name change in lieu of my claim ticketS), where you mentioned a ticket - as follows:

I have logged in and understand that the portal system says "with user".

What I do not understand is this -
  • Is there a policy in place?
  • Will you then proceed to delete these "non callsign" entries once one it is implemented?
I have some other things to discuss, like the server in the UK that till has high latency for users on other continents, etc. - I'll message you.


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