I mentioned a similar issue here a few weeks ago with respect to passing traffic to the public network across amprgw.

Behavior I've been experiencing is that after rebooting my gateway, re-establishing the tunnel from my end & starting up rip44d, I can ping 44net IPs & get a 44net ip from whatismyip.ampr.org pretty much immediately;

Public IP connectivity (e.g. pinging or a curl to ifconfig.me over my tunnel interface) doesn't start working until after everything's been up and running for about 45-60 minutes.

Just replicated the above behavior on my gateway (Raspbian OS on a Pi 3+) & curious if giving it a bit of time solves anyone else's issues.


From: Charles Hargrove via 44net <44net@mailman.ampr.org>
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 7:41:24 PM
To: 44net@mailman.ampr.org <44net@mailman.ampr.org>
Subject: [44net] Re: 44net IPIP gateway issues, was: Re: Re: New 44Net Portal coming 4/3!
I think we need this to be handled by volunteers as opposed to employees.

On 4/5/2024 5:19 PM, Rebecca Key via 44net wrote:
> when we're back on line next week

Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV
NYC-ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.

44net Coordinator - Northeast USA

NY-NBEMS Net Saturdays @ 10AM & USeast-NBEMS Net Wednesdays @ 7PM
on 7.036 Mhz USB (alt 3.536)/1500 hz waterfall spot; MFSK-16 or 32

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"The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus

"Molann an obair an fear" - Irish Saying
(The work praises the man.)

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