Very good point, and having that "something" be a document vetted by ARDC Legal would also likely be good.

-Jason / W6WUF

(trimmed quote)

On Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 18:36 Bill Buhler via 44net <> wrote:

ARDC could provide a call sign authority delegation PDF file that can be 
filled out and signed by the club call sign trustee. This document would 
state that a particular person is the designated ARDC delegate for the 
club and is authorized to utilize the club call sign in the ARDC related 
systems.  This would then be submitted back into the portal as a scan / 
upload by the ARDC delegate. Call it a Call Sign LOA, similar to the 
routing LOAs we use to delegate portions of BGP allocations and assure 
the appropriate parties that the usage is approved.

Bill Buhler - AF7SJ