Hey Everyone,

Below are some updates from this week regarding 44Net:

As of today, 

Since April 3, we have closed 926 tickets.

The next Regional Coordinators meeting is tomorrow, Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 10am PDT / 5pm UTC. If you’re a Regional Coordinator and would like to attend, please RSVP using the Groups.io calendar of the subgroup or email contact@ardc.net to receive the Zoom link. You will also be able to find the agenda and other documents we’ll be discussing at the meeting on the pinned message in the Coordinators subgroup, ardc.groups.io/g/coordinators/topics

In response to a request to share our lessons learned from the portal launch, Rosy sent an email out yesterday titled “Portal rollout lessons learned,” which includes a cleaned-up summary from our internal retrospective. Here’s the link on Groups.io if you’d like to take a look: https://ardc.groups.io/g/44net/topic/portal_rollout_lessons/107550598

As many of you have asked about ways to help with the portal: if you come across something in the portal documentation (https://www.ardc.net/wp-content/uploads/portal-2.0-technical-documentation-v3.3-20240401.pdf) that’s not clear or intuitive, or if you have other feedback, please let us know at newportal@ardc.net

As always, let us know if you have any questions!

73 and have a great weekend,



Rebecca Key - KO4KVG
Communicaions Manager
Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC)