Hi Frederic,

Thank you.

Good points for us to keep in mind.

I think that involvement in STEM based programs is one way to help plant a seed early for all things related to wireless digital technology.

Translation of content is also a good thing. It is sometimes difficult to maintain. The tech tools are getting better but these still rely heavily on help from humans fluent in the local language.



-------- Original message --------
From: Frederic Zulian via 44net <44net@mailman.ampr.org>
Date: 10/16/22 03:35 (GMT-08:00)
To: Rosy Schechter - KJ7RYV <rosy@ardc.net>
Cc: Amprnet 44 Net <44net@mailman.ampr.org>, Jon Kemper <jon@ardc.net>
Subject: [44net] Re: Please welcome our new Director of Technology, Jon Kemper!

Welcome John,

In my opinion, the problems are more in terms of pedagogy than technical.

The number of amateur radio stations decreases each year (France).
In specialized forums exchanges  about HAMNET  have been rare for the last ten years
(France, Germany, ...).

Priorities should be:

- Generate curiosity for digital links by air
-  Translate introduction pages  (https://www.ampr.org/) in other languages (at least for beginners) would be better ...

Some actions to create a new dynamic are welcome   :-)


Frédéric ZULIAN

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