
It's 100% clear you're trying to be some agent provocateur, or you're just poor at reading. Someone else responded to another topic about something you may be confusing for this one. Nobody is talking about some "licence and right to use some frequency" being at play, nor did I.

I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt - but please stop polluting the " subdomains" topic.


On Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 03:56:42 PM EDT, pete M via 44net <> wrote:

Your licence and right to use some frequency is not at play here. 

From: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2024 2:49:51 PM
To: pete M <>; Dave Gingrich <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [44net] Re: Update re: subdomains

I appreciate your response. But again, I still choose not to change the topic.

I think you also forgot about my infrastructure and that of my sponsor (i.e. radio towers I mentioned for actual amateur use and access).

It does indeed seem ARDC doesn't welcome amateur use, aside from these different fanciful descriptions everyone seems to have, just different from mine and others.

Nonetheless, just know in our region, regardless of DNS or IP, we'll welcome all those who have a a licence (in the US Technician Class would cover it and the bands used) and have the equipment. Just seems there's another way to connect to 44net (maybe Wireguard).

Just recall, that will be blocked here - you cannot obscure the meaning of a packet on licensed bands (I hope this is starting to make sense to some).

- Lynwood

On Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 02:24:10 PM EDT, Dave Gingrich via 44net <> wrote:

Not only that, but anything can change with no notice, including your complete allocation.  If you need something more solid than that, Perhaps you should not be using for anything.

For my allocation, I am advertising from My own infrastructure that I pay for. Plus I am operating my own DNS and rDNS.  I didn’t really need my machines in anyway. Try looking up (in Australia).

Dave K9DC, K9IP

On Jun 13, 2024, at 13:24, pete M via 44net <> wrote:

Dont worry I read manuals, laws and many more things.
What you dont seem to understand is the fact that you are not entitled to anything beside what ARDC board/staff decide.
What ever the RFC or whatever else you think might mean something.
ARDC have the right to decide to change any information they think should apply to all of the IP space they own.

The only rights you have is to ask politely if they are ok with letting you use a part of it. They have no other obligation to you than to answer yes or no. And even when they say yes, they have no obligation to give you the control over rDNS, or BGP , geolocalisation, or anything else.



De : <>
Envoyé : 13 juin 2024 12:24
À : pete M
Objet : Re: [44net] Re: Update re: subdomains

This is where we (and others, i.e. those who can read manuals) disagree.

No fact of the matter or the infrastructure of the Internet dictates the point of view you've seem to have blindly espoised about ARDC. Read the RFCs.

Further, please don't add specifics of IP space to an already convoluted subject.

Given these discussions seem to go off topic as you have attempted purposely twice - I'll simply refrain from engaging in chat with you.

If this was genuine, Thanks. If not, I'm confused why you would do it.

-------- Original message --------
From: pete M <>
Date: 6/13/24 11:08 (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: [44net] Re: Update re: subdomains

You are responsible of YOUR station, ARDC grants you the right to TEMPORARY USE some IP address to use for hamradio, those are NOT YOURS same for the setting linked to them.

If you have no clue of the contract you have entered when asking for those IP address, better read them and understand, than thinking you own something and clame what you have no rights to.



De : lleachii--- via 44net <>
Envoyé : 13 juin 2024 10:31
À : pete M via 44net
Objet : [44net] Re: Update re: subdomains

There is no such thing. Maybe you misunderstand what I'm referring to. We are responsible for our own stations during an emergency in the US (hence why ARDC shouldn't mess with MY settings since I may be disconnected from them when discovering it). I assumed this was international at any given moment.

If you have no clue or understanding, you should remain silent in that case. It's easier to be quiet and learn tan to be loud and wrong.

-------- Original message --------
From: pete M via 44net <>
Date: 6/13/24 09:53 (GMT-05:00)
To: Amprnet 44 Net <>
Subject: [44net] Re: Update re: subdomains

Since when is it OK to use 44net for any other use than ham experimentation on that IP address space?

If you use a network for experimentation as a primary link for emergency you miss understood the use of the 44net.

Yes it is appealing to do so. But be aware that this network can and will change over the time. Some stuff will break. Some will cease to exist. And new stuff will appear.

ARDC is not a ISP nor a commercial entity that provide professional services for commercial grade networking. If the network infrastructure you use is primary for life safety, better go the commercial route. If you are a BACKUP in case everything else is gone. That is not the same thing, and the authority dealing with ham should better know about it.

This is my opinion of the situation and note ARDC view. I am not talking for them.



De : Chris via 44net <>
Envoyé : 13 juin 2024 06:47
À :
Cc : Amprnet 44 Net
Objet : [44net] Re: Update re: subdomains

Hello Lynwood,

For the record, I have never made any derogatory remarks to you publicly or in private, you completely misconstrued an offer of help I made for reasons I still do not understand. If you wish to discuss this then I am more than happy to, as I would like to clear up any misunderstandings. Please feel free to contact me off-list as this is not the appropriate place for such discussions.

With regards to the rest of your email, I refer you to Rosy’s email to this list which explains the current situation. I am sure she would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Kind Regards,
Chris - G1FEF

ARDC Administrator


On 13 Jun 2024, at 11:10, lleachii--- via 44net <> wrote:


I have logged in and understand that the portal system says "with user".

What I do not understand is this -

 *   Is there a policy in place?
 *   Will you then proceed to delete these "non callsign" entries once one it is implemented?

You all may not have noticed, but I'm being very particular NOT to agree to new DNS terms, IP record changes, etc. (i.e. stuff that preexisted your control of this domain and space). Before I post the text (since it's quite similar to what I read posted by an ARDC employee), I will not quote it at this time. Please offer clarity (publicly, because you have said some derogatory things to me before in private which you seem uncourageous to say publicly - so I'm uncomfortable) before I proceed.

I also need ARDC to understand that there will be concerns if you then proceed to delete entries I've made very clear I wish to continue use of (as well as my GOVERNMENTAL RACES SPONSOR). I've explained the nature of your inheritance, but somehow - I need to clarify this seemingly contrary policy before I agree.

Please note, my records also show and indicate this "policy" is not because of the numerous amount of DNS records - I will not discuss this further here. Anyone seeing the updates on portal ticket clearing statistics can see that. And if your answer is YES to the latter question above - common sense also provides that you can just as well identify and handle them, as you would need to do so to accomplish that task. Yet, a hassle for records I'm in fact attempting to claim (over and over - obviously I'm making records that I'm clamming them)?

Since I pray common scene now prevails - I simply ask you not hold my records "hostage" in this commercialization game.

Thanks and 73,



(reviewed by a Sensitivity Expert, please be courageous and secretly report the entire text as a Code of Conduct violation if you desire, including this disclaimer to show your ignorance - yes this portion was reviewed as well)

On Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 03:17:04 PM EDT, Chris via 44net <> wrote:


Please check your tickets, I replied 2 day ago, just waiting on your reply.

Chris - G1FEF

On 12 Jun 2024, at 18:43, lleachii--- via 44net <> wrote:

I have not been allowed to make those edits.

On Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 01:36:45 PM EDT, Steve L via 44net <> wrote:

In my opinion for the purposes of tracking ownership, nonstandard subdomains should only exist via a cname record.

Example of Lynwood (doing it correctly in my opinion)<>.     300     IN      CNAME<>.<>.    300     IN      A

In theory<> could have a direct A record.. such as<>.    300     IN      A
But that is problematic.

Just my 2 cents.

On Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 12:11 PM Rosy Schechter - KJ7RYV via 44net <<>> wrote:
Dear 44Net community,

It’s been just over two months since we launched the new Portal. It came
with, as you have seen, some major bumps. Today, ARDC is resolving, at
least temporarily, one of those hurdles: administrative access to

As of today, anyone who had a subdomain with<> before the launch
of the new Portal on April 3, 2024, will, for now, have full access to
their DNS records. This includes subdomains that fall outside of our
preferred format of<>.

This administrative access still depends on call sign verification,
which requires confirming given name, family name, email, and valid
amateur radio license. This step helps us ensure that the network is
being used by valid amateur radio operators. During our recent work,
we’ve found several bad actors, which is both unfair to the community
and a security risk.

We’ve also made a functional change to the portal: once a call sign is
verified, you are now automatically able to create a subdomain with the
format of<>. All other new requests for subdomains that
fall outside of that format (e.g.,<>, which I’ll refer to as
nonstandard subdomains for brevity) will require review and approval.

Please note that we will be limiting the number of nonstandard
subdomains going forward. Thus, if you have one (or, in some cases, many
more), please consider it temporary. You can currently create as many
second-level subdomains as you want—e.g.,<>,<>, etc.

We are working on a more official policy around subdomains using<>. As promised at the recent regional coordinators' meeting, we
will ensure you can see this policy before officially implementing it.
We will also provide a transition period, likely many months, for users
to edit their entries before official deprecation. This is, ultimately,
what we should have done initially, and we take responsibility for not
following a better process and, instead, rolling out this change without
taking proper preparatory steps.

Some of you may be wondering why we are making this change in the first
place. It is because, without doing so, we end up in our current and
very unwieldy situation: a database of over 51,000 DNS entries, most
without knowledge of who they belong to, accumulated over at least a
decade, with very few entries currently in use. If we aim to increase
the usage of 44Net, then we need a system where we understand ownership
and are able to provide an efficient service where we can address
problems as they arise.

For now, we hope that this helps to unblock anyone that currently feels
blocked, while also providing an ample notice for changes that are
coming down the pipeline at a later, though likely not-so-distant date.

If you have questions, please ask.

Many thanks,

Rosy Schechter - KJ7RYV
Executive Director
Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC)<>
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