Hi Rebecca,
Thanks so much for the update. I understand  44net is a big undertaking. The KPIs provide valuable insight into the performance and sustainability of the service to its members.  They also serve as a valuable metric for resource allocation and planning.

I feel 200+ tickets is unsustainable.  At the optimistic rate of 1 closure per day we still will not have cleared the queue by EOY. Please may I know:

- how old is the oldest ticket?
- what is the average MTTR for a ticket?
- what, if any, persistent blockers exist that delay the ticket?
- have we set targets for closure or queue length?

As for DNS, what is the number of tickets in queue for assignment and resolution?  Are they tracked outside of just email?  This seems like a tedious workflow that could be improved with an automation framework.

Thanks again for all your teams hard work. 

John Roman

On June 21, 2024 3:28:56 PM MDT, Rebecca Key via 44net <44net@mailman.ampr.org> wrote:

Hey Everyone,

Below are some updates from this week regarding 44Net:

As of today, about 43 new portal tickets remain (19% increase from last week), and about 285 tickets are open and awaiting response (3% increase from last week). Despite an increase in tickets from last week, the number of new tickets and the number of tickets open/awaiting response have decreased within the last three weeks or have remained constant (14% decrease and no significant change, respectively). Since April 3, we have closed 729 tickets (8% increase from last week).

Regarding DNS claims: if you have any that you would like deleted, please email a list to newportal@ardc.net, and we’ll take care of deleting them for you.

ARDC is Hiring: if you’re interested in applying for the role of Technology Department Manager, send a resume and cover letter to hr@ardc.net. Ensure that your documents include your call sign, and be sure to send all files (including a cover letter) as a PDF attachment without spaces in the name (e.g., jane-doe-cover-letter.pdf). You can learn more about the role by checking out our latest blog post here: https://www.ardc.net/technology-department-manager/ 

Finally, as many of you have asked about ways to help with the portal: if you come across something in the docs (https://www.ardc.net/wp-content/uploads/portal-2.0-technical-documentation-v3.3-20240401.pdf) that’s not clear or intuitive, or if you have other feedback, please let us know at newportal@ardc.net

As always, let us know if you have any questions!

73 and have a great weekend,



Rebecca Key - KO4KVG
Communicaions Manager
Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC)