Hey Everyone,
Below are some updates from this week regarding 44Net:
As of today,
About 34 new portal tickets remain (21% decrease from last week), and
About 288 tickets are open and awaiting response (1% increase from last week).
Since April 3, we have closed 735 tickets (1% increase from last week).
On the note of metrics, we recently had some great questions regarding key performance indicators (KPIs). We’re working on developing additional metrics to expose these once we have a production quality process in place. If any of you have any other questions regarding metrics, please let us know: any constructive feedback is welcome!
Regarding DNS claims: if you have any that you would like deleted, please email a list to newportal@ardc.net, and we’ll take care of deleting them for you.
The following new features have been added to the portal:
Clubs and organizations are now able to add up to 10 of their own call signs by default. This number can be adjusted on a per club / organization basis.
The individual limit of 5 call signs is also now adjustable on a per user basis.
Individuals can now belong to multiple clubs / organizations on a single account, eliminating the need to create multiple logins if you are involved with several clubs / organizations.
A ‘Maps’ menu has been added: this allows users to generate a map from a Maidenhead locator, as well as perform distance and bearing calculations, and can convert from DMS to lat/long and back.
If anyone has suggestions for useful tools to add to the portal, please let us know at newportal@ardc.net.
ARDC is Hiring: if you’re interested in applying for the role of Technology Department Manager, send a resume and cover letter to hr@ardc.net. Ensure that your documents include your call sign, and be sure to send all files (including a cover letter) as a PDF attachment without spaces in the name (e.g., jane-doe-cover-letter.pdf). You can learn more about the role by checking out our latest blog post here: https://www.ardc.net/technology-department-manager/
As many of you have asked about ways to help with the portal: if you come across something in the portal documentation (https://www.ardc.net/wp-content/uploads/portal-2.0-technical-documentation-v3.3-20240401.pdf) that’s not clear or intuitive, or if you have other feedback, please let us know at newportal@ardc.net.
Finally, be sure to check out our June Newsletter for our most recent news and updates: https://www.ardc.net/?na=view&id=77. If you’d like to subscribe to the newsletter, you can fill out the form and click ‘Subscribe!’ here: https://www.ardc.net/about/newsletter/.
As always, let us know if you have any questions!
73 and have a great weekend,
-- Rebecca Key - KO4KVG Communicaions Manager Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) ardc.net