
E.g. - So if I wanted to request a /24 at this time, what should I do to proceed?

Would a second verification be necessary?

If it's in the name of a club or RACES organization, what would I need to do to validate (verifiable letters from the government sponsor may be easier than verification of the postal address of these gov't facilities).

Lastly I wanted to note, comments being made about deleted PII seem to forget the fact the Portal/process then proceeds to require a Ham to enter a postal address that matches their license/QRZ/whatever. In FCC land at least, such a match is obviously PII (and now matched to public/44net IPs/hostnames associated to an individual).

I respect and applaud the notion and the due diligence, I just wanted to clarify that point.

I digress in reiterating like others - how the process will become nearly impossible in Europe and other areas, due to growing privacy regulations, requiring the Ham to transfer more PII to ARDC.

