Hi Jean,

Are you running this project on linux? http://www.yo2loj.ro/hamprojects/. Presumably so.

Using tcpdump you should see routes being pushed to you pretty quickly. It takes around an hour for the ampr gateway to learn about your node and start passing your traffic.

Also, the ampr-ripd daemon will write occasionally to yo2loj which you can look up here: http://yo2loj.ampr.org/. What do you have your call_home configured to? You can see these with tcpdump, also.

I can't recall why now but I ended up using yo2loj's amprd rather than his ampr-ripd. Actually I've stopped using both and switched over to the beta wireguard 44net tunnel.


On Fri, Feb 7, 2025 at 8:16 AM Jean VE2PKT via 44net <44net@mailman.ampr.org> wrote:

     Anyone here using ampr-ripd willing to give me some advise?

I have mine running and (Finally) learning router, but cannot connect to
any stations.

I suspect a route problem.

73 de Jean


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