Have you enabled connection tracking for the relevant
bridge/VLANs/tunnels, etc. that pass traffic (as this is disabled by
default on some systems for non-masqueraded traffic)?
In addition, is your default iptables forwarding policy REJECT or DROP,
instead of ACCEPT?
That "Requesting a Block" page has a lot of personal opinion it and also contains directives that may
be valid for some regions but not for others. This already starts with the first line.
Here in the Netherlands we don't use the portal for requesting blocks, only for registering blocks that are to be
used for IPIP tunnels. So requesting a block does not start with the portal, but with mailing a request for a block
to me and allocation of the block in the hostsfile for followed by updating the DNS via the robot.
Once that is done, it can optionally be registered in the portal. I recommend users not to do this unless they
want to setup a gateway, because registered subnets that are not claimed by a gateway are up for grabs by
other gateway operators, and given that we have widely varying skills among out users it has repeatedly happened
that users (who often not even understand what it means and requires to run an IPIP gateway) create a gateway
entry and add someone else's subnet to it by mistake. This then cannot be corrected by either the owner of
the subnet or the coordinator of the IP space. It requires a "contact the portal admin" form entry to correct it
and that may take a long time to be acted upon. (I still have two open requests of that type)
I also don't agree with the "don't waste space" adagium. I allocate whatever is required for the experiment,
and now that we are using BGP internally on the radio network, that also includes /30 and /29 networks for
point-to-point links (/30 for links with only a router at each end, /29 when it is desired to have AP managment
addresses). Unlike on the internet, we have no lack of IPv4 space on AMPRnet!
There is no point in using RFC1918 addresses for this, and it causes problems with ICMP messages returned
from those routers, e.g. when using traceroute. I also don't agree with "an ISP uses unroutable addresses for
routers". Maybe some ISPs do that, but probably most do not.
About RFC1918 filtering: YES, everyone should filter RFC1918 addresses at every entry and exit into the network.
There are many configuration mistakes in ham networks, and I often see log results on those filters (which I
have configured with logging on our gateway). RFC1918 addresses come in via IPIP tunnels from all over the
world and also from radio. Of course it requires detailed knowledge of networking, policy routing, and NAT rules
to get a mixed net44/rfc1918 LAN correctly connected to AMPRnet (with NAT or blocking for the RFC1918 systems)
and let's face it: many users simply don't have that knowledge and are just trying.
So, everyone else should filter that traffic so that at least it does not get propagated far. I sometimes send mail
to repeat offenders and they often promise me that they will look at it, but it rarely stops completely.
> I have use tcpdump to check how working iptables
> I have try block this traffic by
> but not working for me
Again: you can NOT test it this way!
tcpdump will show you all packets even when you are dropping them in the filter.
I know this is sometimes a nuisance. It is difficult to test if your filters are working.
When your filter has the structure of:
- some packets dropped
- some other packets dropped
- more packets dropped
- all remaining packets accepted
(note that this is normally not a preferred structure of your blocklist)
you can work around it by inserting a rule like this just before the last ACCEPT rule
(or at the end of the table when the default setting is ACCEPT, again not a preferred situation):
iptables -A INPUT -i tunl0 -j NFLOG --nflog-group 44
This will send the packets to a "netfilter logging" interface where you can trace it with:
tshark -i nflog:44
(I don't think tcpdump supports dumping nflog interfaces but this may depend on version)
The result of this is that all packets that have already been dropped above that rule will
not reach the NFLOG target and will not be traced when you trace nflog:44.
However, it is normally preferred to work with a "default drop" setup. You accept all
packets that you know you want to accept, and drop everything else at the end of the table.
This makes it less likely that things pass by that you did not think about, like other
protocols than TCP and UDP.
It is still possible to have NFLOG logging of everything that is accepted, by first
creating a helper table like this:
iptables -A NFLOGACCEPT -j NFLOG --nflog-group 44
Then you setup your filter table like this:
iptables -A INPUT -i tunl0 -..... -j NFLOGACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i tunl0 -..... -j NFLOGACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i tunl0 -j DROP
> I have try block non 44/8 traffic via tunnel IPIP with iptables but without
> success
> I have use ampr-ripd to create port 'tunl0'
> I have add to firewall rule:
> iptables -A INPUT -i tunl0 -p all ! -s -j DROP
> iptables -A FORWARD -i tunl0 -p all ! -s -j DROP
> but I have still a lot of traffic via tunl0 non 44/8 ip address and it is
> look like this not working for me
How did you validate that you still have the traffic?
Does such traffic still reach an open port on your system or a system behind it?
E.g. when you have telnet or ssh running, can you still telnet or ssh from internet?
Note that using a trace tool like "tcpdump" or "tshark/wireshark" is NOT a valid way
of testing of those filters work!
When you do "tshark -i tunl0" with the above filters in place, you will still see the traffic.
This is because tshark and tcpdump trace the real traffic on those interfaces BEFORE the filters
have been applied.
I have try block non 44/8 traffic via tunnel IPIP with iptables but without
I have use ampr-ripd to create port 'tunl0'
I have add to firewall rule:
iptables -A INPUT -i tunl0 -p all ! -s -j DROP
iptables -A FORWARD -i tunl0 -p all ! -s -j DROP
but I have still a lot of traffic via tunl0 non 44/8 ip address and it is
look like this not working for me
I have add one more rule like where eth0 is my internet port
iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -s -j DROP
and it is help me to not send to internet 44/8 ip traffic but I would like
block incoming non 44/8 IP address via tunnel
Waldek sp2ong
It appears the the iptables rule is incorrect.
In my previous configuration I had a border device NATing to a
downstream device running as my AMPRNet Gateway. When I first set it up,
packets after first initiating them. When asking for advice, I continued
to receive information that the iptables rules were correct...
As you are receiving this traffic the router interface, IT IS CONSIDERED
INPUT since there are no routing rule to forward the packet (this is
only done the subsequent DNAT rule added to the iptables firewall).
This is an example from my DD-WRT device when I DNATed to a IPIP gateway
downstream (so, this is a known working configuration):
# iptables -t filter -I INPUT -p 4 -i eth0.1 -j ACCEPT
# iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p 4 -i eth0.1 -j DNAT --to-destination
Further, on the INPUT rule, you could use the -d argument and the IP
address if your WAN interface has a static address.
Also, after I added this rule to my device, the issue Rob describes
doesn't occur (except when I explicitly added a rule to block Pings).
- Lynwood
> It is behind my ISP cable modem, I had to get it setup in bridging mode
> after the last time they upgraded it. My router is showing all the
> tunnel traffic (via tcpdump) so I'm fairly certain the modem isn't the
> issue.
Ok. I heard before from other members of this group that they had a similar
setup, yet I was never able to ping them unless they first pinged me.
> Central to my confusion at the moment is the rule in the nat PREROUTING
> isn't counting packets.
Remember that iptables NAT processing in Linux is stateful. It only sees
"new" traffic for a connection. Once a connection is in the NAT table, the
traffic goes "around" those rules much like Established/Related traffic in
the filter tables, but without an explicit visible rule for that purpose.
So, when you ping outward over a tunnel, you will not see those rules matching
yet the traffic is forwarded as reply to your outgoing pings.
Only when you ping from somewhere else, those rules are going to be of influence.
But of course they only see traffic when it actually arrives on your router.
> The latest reboot had me digging deeper to try to find the real problem
> and I have discovered that only the rule in FORWARD chain of the filter
> table is firing, not the DNAT in the nat table. I suspect the firewall
> is only working when some connection (outgoing ?) wakes up the
> masquerade rules but haven't actually found the rule that is active.
Are you sure the OpenWRT box is actually seeing the incoming packets?
Is it directly on the internet, or is there another box before it, e.g. an ISP
provided modem/router?
Even though you might have forwarded the protocol or even set the OpenWRT
box as the "DMZ device", it may still do stateful firewalling on non-TCP/UDP
protocols. That is a known problem with NAT routers.
Try to run a trace on the OpenWRT box to verify that you can receive IPIP
traffic from sources that you have not recently contacted with outgoing
> I think with much larger address space and the availability of /56 or
> larger spaces for many connections means many of us already have excess,
> the second approach is worth investigating. Come up with DNS management
> and a system for automatically configuring AMPRNET6 routers to share
> trust information to tie the network together securely. As I said
> before, I could easily allocate part of my /56 to this project. I'm
> using less than 1% of my address range (1/256th to be exact :) ).
Address space is not an issue with IPv6. Everyone here gets a /48 with their
home internet connection. I use only 3/65536 of mine :-)
For a "global IPv6 space for amprnet" we would get a /32 and map it 1:1
with the existing net-44 addresses. That will give every net-44 IP user a
/56 network on IPv6.
However, I too don't think is the way to go. Just use the space you get on
your own internet connection for your own purposes on AMPRnet (and nag the
ISP when they don't provide IPv6, give you only a /128 or /64, or assign
dynamic prefixes - bad concepts in IPv6 rollout!).
Extend the current DNS server and robot with AAAA records, and find or design
some method of sharing the prefix list. Could be done using a BGP server.
(not the internet BGP but a server on AMPRnet that distributes prefixes)
Then we can interconnect on internet without the hassle we have now, and still
are able to route the same addresses over wireless networks.