Hey Everyone,
If you haven't already, check out /HRWB 219 - All About 44Net and the
ARDC/, where John Burwell KI5QKX, Rosy Schechter KJ7RYV, and myself were
the guests: we had a great time, and 2.5h went by fast!
You can give the podcast a listen here:
Rebecca KO4KVG
Rebecca Key - KO4KVG
Communicaions Manager
Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC)
Anyone here using ampr-ripd willing to give me some advise?
I have mine running and (Finally) learning router, but cannot connect to
any stations.
I suspect a route problem.
73 de Jean
I was trying to bring up an AMPRNet IPIP tunnel in my lab network, but when
I did a packet capture on the WAN side of the gateway I am setting up, I
noticed that on average, about 80% of the IPIP packets I receive from the
UCSD gateway have their inner headers corrupted. As far as I can tell, the
first 4 bytes of the inner header are being overwritten with a garbage byte
sequence (hex 00-04-00-00). I have included a packet capture showing what's
going on. At packet 63, the RIP announcement starts, and continues through
packet 100, so there's some known-good traffic in there.
Has anyone seen anything like this before?
I have another AMPRNet IPIP tunnel set up on a datacenter server, and it
has no such problem, so this is an isolated issue (i.e., not an issue with
the UCSD gateway). The only other thing I could suspect is that the
ISP-issued modem/gateway combo unit. Of course, I have no visibility into
traffic upstream of this unit, so I don't have a way to know if it is
causing the corruption. Unfortunately, my ISP doesn't let me disable the
gateway function of the unit, so I have to suspect the firmware of this
Any and all help is appreciated. I am going to call my ISP tomorrow and see
if they are aware of any issues with these modem/gateway units.
Eric Johnson - AE0JE
Forgot the attachment.
On Sun, Jan 12, 2025 at 10:57 PM Eric Johnson via groups.io <micromashor=
gmail.com(a)groups.io> wrote:
> All,
> I was trying to bring up an AMPRNet IPIP tunnel in my lab network, but
> when I did a packet capture on the WAN side of the gateway I am setting up,
> I noticed that on average, about 80% of the IPIP packets I receive from the
> UCSD gateway have their inner headers corrupted. As far as I can tell, the
> first 4 bytes of the inner header are being overwritten with a garbage byte
> sequence (hex 00-04-00-00). I have included a packet capture showing what's
> going on. At packet 63, the RIP announcement starts, and continues through
> packet 100, so there's some known-good traffic in there.
> Has anyone seen anything like this before?
> I have another AMPRNet IPIP tunnel set up on a datacenter server, and it
> has no such problem, so this is an isolated issue (i.e., not an issue with
> the UCSD gateway). The only other thing I could suspect is that the
> ISP-issued modem/gateway combo unit. Of course, I have no visibility into
> traffic upstream of this unit, so I don't have a way to know if it is
> causing the corruption. Unfortunately, my ISP doesn't let me disable the
> gateway function of the unit, so I have to suspect the firmware of this
> device.
> Any and all help is appreciated. I am going to call my ISP tomorrow and
> see if they are aware of any issues with these modem/gateway units.
> Thanks,
> Eric Johnson - AE0JE
> _._,_._,_
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> _._,_._,_
Every year IRLP hosts a QSO party on New Years Eve. This is an informal gathering with no net control station. This is now largely conducted over 44net. The destination reflector (conference) in Australia and a large part of the IRLP infrastructure are on 44net address space. We have five central servers performing all authentication services and software updates. Four (out of five) are on 44net addresses.
We also have issued over 500 VPN clients for Linux, so many of our member repeaters are also on 44net.
While use of 44net is not required, IRLP is grateful and truly appreciates the use of the address space! If you have an IRLP node in your area, anyone here is welcome to join in.
Below is the announcement sent to all of our IRLP owners.
> New Year’s Eve Around the World QSO Party, Reflector 9600 (Sydney), Tuesday, December 31.
> The nineteenth annual New Years Eve Around the World QSO Party will again be held on Reflector 9600 in Sydney, Australia. The party gets under way officially at 10:30 UTC (05:30 US eastern) Tuesday, December 31. It continues (officially) until 10:30 UTC Wednesday January 1. I say “Officially” because you are welcome to connect much earlier than that (now if you want) and stay as long as you like.
> This is a casual informal party with no net control or designated operators anytime during the event. Simply stop in, greet your friends, make new ones and simply enjoy yourself as the New Year wends its way around the planet, beginning in New Zealand 11:00 UTC (Dec-31) and ending in Hawaii at 10:00 UTC (Jan-1).
> This is an IRLP only event. Please resist the temptation to bridge folks in from other networks just because it sounds like fun. Instead, invite your local friends over to your repeater or encourage them to use a local resource to join in.
> Auld lang syne!
> Dave K9DC, K9IP
Dave K9DC, K9IP
Hello 44Net,
Thanks to our ticket handlers for their help with working through the surge of tickets on Sunday. We can expect more of these bumps in ticket activity as members respond to the various notices that the portal sends out at the start of each month.
Thanks also to everyone who followed up on open tickets over the past two weeks since our last update. I’m excited to see paths clear for more people to get involved in 44Net!
Here are the current ticket stats at time of writing:
Total new and waiting tickets: 446
- New: 0
- Waiting (“open”): 446
- Waiting on user: 406
- Waiting on admin: 40
- Total closed since April 3: 4,422
Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to speak directly with some of our members, which has been enlightening and inspiring. It’s great to hear how the new portal and other recent developments have helped so many of us get so much more out of our subnets so quickly. I’ve heard stories, many from newly licensed hams, of 44Net connecting families from across town and friends from across continents. The projects are as diverse as the people, and it occurs to me that they all have one thing in common: people creating ways to make connections with each other. I find it compelling.
Looking ahead, I have no doubt that 2025 will bring more great forward progress, thanks to the exceptional talent, experience, ambition, and engagement across all the communities that make up 44Net. There are a lot of great ideas, and there is a lot of motivation to make things happen. I’m excited to see what comes next!
As a final note, this will be the last 44Net weekly update of 2024. As always, let me know if I can ever be of any assistance. Until January, thanks for everything, may you find joy, and 73!
Hello 44Net,
Rebecca KO4KVG has artfully passed the weekly update to me to handle from now on. Thanks to Rebecca for all her work and help on this for the past several months!
We would like to officially introduce Adam Lewis KC7GDY, who recently joined as our IT and Development Manager and has quickly become a fixture in the community. Read more about Adam in our latest blog post:
Volunteers and staff have been busy helping keep tickets under control since our ticket party in October. Many thanks to everyone for their help and patience as we clear the backlog. Here are the current ticket stats at time of writing:
Total new and waiting tickets: 411
- New: 0
- Waiting (“open”): 407
- - Waiting on user: 380
- - Waiting on admin: 30
- Total closed since April 3: 4,150
As we approach the end of the year, I’ve been looking back at our progress getting through verification and network request tickets, and I have teased out some more fun facts:
1. Since tracking began in July, the number of tickets awaiting response from an administrator has been between 13 and 62, for a fairly steady average of 42.
2. In that same period, the number of tickets awaiting response from a user has increased from as few as 46 to as many as 414.
That suggests to me that our volunteers and staff have moved through an enormous number of tickets, which I think is amazing.
It also suggests that ticket handlers might be waiting on users more than users are waiting on handlers, at least as far as the portal is concerned. There are likely many explanations for this, but two things occur to me to mention:
- If you are a user with an open ticket and you haven’t heard anything in a while, take a moment to check your ticket’s status in the portal. It is likely that more information is required, and it is possible that email notifications have not made it to your inbox. So, please follow up if you haven’t lately. The sooner we can help get your ticket closed, the sooner you can get more involved in 44Net!
- If your ticket is stuck for any reason — and this goes for users and ticket handlers alike — don’t spin your wheels more than you have to. Ask for escalation if needed. Reach out to me personally if you like, at john(at)ardc.net. We are all ready to do what we can to help us all get the most out of 44Net. Let us know.
Now that ticket handling has reached a steady state, we can get back to looking ahead. A sincere thanks to everyone for all the patience and support as we work together to get where we want to go.
Finally, a note on programming: this will be the last weekly update for November, as we here in the United States are preparing for Thanksgiving, and ARDC will be closed next Thursday and Friday, November 28 and 29. Nevertheless, don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything we can do for you.
Until December, thanks for everything, have a great weekend, and 73!
If VA7MAS is reading this please can you email me chris(a)ardc.net
If anyone knows VA7MAS please could you ask them to drop me an email.
Thank you,
Chris - G1FEF
ARDC Administrator
Web: https://www.ardc.net
*Hey Everyone,*
Last week, we welcomed our 44Net Program Manager John Burwell KI5QKX to
ARDC! If you'd like to learn more about John, check out our recent blog
post published earlier this week:
As John is the point of contact for 44Net-related communications, he
will be distributing these weekly updates starting next week. That said,
I won’t be too far away, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you
have any questions for me!
Regarding ticket stats, as of today,
About 0 new tickets are in the queue.
About 409 tickets are open and awaiting response.
387 are awaiting a response from the user
22 are awaiting a response from an admin
Since April 3, we have closed about 4,092 tickets.
If you were unable to attend the Portal Training Workshops and are
interested in becoming a Ticket Handler, please sign our confidentiality
agreement, send me an email (rebecca(a)ardc.net), and I will send you the
link to the video, along with the password. Our confidentiality
agreement can be found on our website, specifically the Volunteer
Services and Confidentiality Agreement (for 44Net Portal) link under
‘44Net’: https://www.ardc.net/ardc-community-resources/
If there’s anything within the documentation that is not clear or
intuitive, please let us know at newportal(a)ardc.net. Portal
documentation can be found below:
Intro to the Portal: https://wiki.ampr.org/wiki/Portal_intro
Organizations in the Portal:
[Ticket Handlers] Call Sign Verification How-To:
Please note that wiki updates can be made directly if you have an
account on wiki.ampr.org. If you don’t have a wiki account and would
like one, you can request an account setup by emailing wiki(a)ampr.org.
As always, let us know if you have any questions!
73, and have a great weekend,
Rebecca Key - KO4KVG
Communicaions Manager
Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC)
*Hey Everyone,*
As of today,
About 6 new tickets are in the queue.
About 433 tickets are open and awaiting response. Please note that
433 includes both new and open tickets.
414 are awaiting a response from the user
13 are awaiting a response from an admin
Since April 3, we have closed about 4,013 tickets.
If you were unable to attend the Portal Training Workshops and are
interested in becoming a Ticket Handler, please sign our confidentiality
agreement, send me an email (rebecca(a)ardc.net), and I will send you the
link to the video, along with the password. Our confidentiality
agreement can be found on our website, specifically the Volunteer
Services and Confidentiality Agreement (for 44Net Portal) link under
‘44Net’: https://www.ardc.net/ardc-community-resources/
If there’s anything within the documentation that is not clear or
intuitive, please let us know at newportal(a)ardc.net. Portal
documentation can be found below:
Intro to the Portal: https://wiki.ampr.org/wiki/Portal_intro
Organizations in the Portal:
[Ticket Handlers] Call Sign Verification How-To:
Please note that wiki updates can be made directly if you have an
account on wiki.ampr.org. If you don’t have a wiki account and would
like one, you can request an account setup by emailing wiki(a)ampr.org.
Finally, please note that ARDC will be closed on Monday, November 11 in
observance of Veteran’s Day in the US.
As always, let us know if you have any questions!
73, and have a great weekend,
Rebecca Key - KO4KVG
Communicaions Manager
Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC)