> 1. There is no socket option called that in FreeBSD. Amprgw is not Linux.
I am aware of that. Sometimes those socket options have the same name, sometimes not.
When looking this up I got the impression that it was added to Linux copying from BSD,
but it appears to be not the case. In the Apple variant of BSD the same option exists
but it is named differently.
> 2. We're not using the kernel socket mechanism to construct the UDP packets
Ok... well, it is possible to calculate the checksum of course but it is a bit tricky
as it is not only a checksum of the actual packet but also of a "pseudo header" that
is temporarily added in front of it...
But again, it should not be required. The 0000 checksum indicates "no checksum" and it
is valid. I think Maiko has a different issue, maybe the problem with multicast sockets?
(try -r option to force raw mode)
I think you are chasing a red herring. It is true that the RIP broadcasts have no checksum,
but that is unlikely to be the cause of any problem you may have. Checksums are optional
in UDP, these packets don't have them (I can confirm that in a trace on my gateway), but that
is not a reason not to process them.
It could be argued that it would be better to send the packets with checksum, which could
be accomplished using the |SO_NO_CHECK socket option.
Good day,
This is bizarre, I confirm IPIP is definitely coming to my linux
(running as a VM) :
Here is a tcpdump of the eth0 (direct internet side) :
22:27:35.447588 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 50, id 59965, offset 0, flags
[none], proto IPIP (4), length 552)
amprgw.ucsd.edu > XXXXXX.members.linode.com: IP
(tos 0x0, ttl 255, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17),
length 532)
gw.ampr.org.router > rip2-routers.mcast.net.router: [no cksum]
RIPv2, Response, length: 504, routes: 25 or less
Simple Text Authentication data: XXXXXXXXX
AFI IPv4, gw.ampr.org/32, tag 0x0004, metric: 1,
next-hop: amprgw.ucsd.edu
AFI IPv4, ....
I'm using iptables PREROUTING to route protocol 4 (IPIP) to my JNOS over
tun0, most of
of the traffic is working very nicely, not worried about that.
However, if you look closely, this RIP broadcast is showing [NO CKSUM] !
I read somewhere there is a similar issue with DHCP packets (to VM of
all things), the
end result is that these particular packets are then dropped and never
make it to the
tun0 link, so JNOS will never see these.
I have run tcpdump on the tun0 interface, and sure enough not seeing
these at all.
I've tried variations of the following command to 'fill in the checksum'
but no luck :
iptables -t mangle <missing other arguments> -j CHECKSUM --checksum
This is only affecting my RIP broadcasts encapsulated in IP (so far), my
usual 44 ntwk
traffic over the tun0 link and JNOS is working fine, checksums all
correct, etc.
Help :)
Maiko / VE4KLM
Thought maybe this is the place to let people know (as a courtesy I
suppose). I recently lost my static IP address (my bridge radio died
after 12+ years or so), looking at other solutions.
So in the meantime my existing IP address as noted in the encap.txt
and rip broadcasts will simply not respond to anything. No worries
about it being used by other entities, it's an IP on 'our system'
that no one else will ever use for a long time down the road.
I don't want to delete my entry in the portal, so I will try to get
some form of Dynamic DNS hostname in place as soon as possible, since
I am now using a DSL service as a temporary internet connection.
It might be a while, just saying.
Thanks for your understanding.
Maiko / VE4KLM
Yesterday I lost all the folks I had links with… Today after much head scratching I decided to look at my gateway on the ampr portal.
The gateway addy is and the subnet I had WAS My 44 addy is
So at the portal it says: 'network not found'
I don’t find this block of four addresses in the available networks list to add it back in.
Help please.
Confused in Vancouver
jerome - ve7ass
Good afternoon all,
Unfortunately I made little progress with my home setup due to the joys of work and real life demands.Anyway sob story aside I have a little spare time again so I am looking to get a MikroTik router ordered.So my question is do I need to adhere to a minimum spec? The memory and processor specs seem to very greatly.
Thanks in advance.
Marc (2W0PNT)
And also, none of the folks I’m linked to can connect to me if they are using the rip broadcasts or the list. I’m probably not the only one that has this problem.
I seem to remember a cleansing of the gateways that are inactive, maybe you can fix this so that those whose CPE no longer allows rip to function (the ‘bitten’) can still make use of the system.
j. ve7ass
And of course I’m no longer in the gateways list… If this is because I don’t reply to pings, unfortunately I can no longer receive gateway broadcasts so that would be expected, no?
44Net mailing list
And of course I’m no longer in the gateways list… If this is because I don’t reply to pings, unfortunately I can no longer receive gateway broadcasts so that would be expected, no?
> In my case, where we run a BGP session with Internet and publish our assigned segment, we use a CCR1036 having in memory the full BGP routing table, but even so, this is not a compulsory requirement for you.
Indeed for doing BGP on internet you need such a router.
To do BGP on AMPRnet (i.e. internal routes only) the RB750Gr3 is good enough.
> In example, you can configure a less expensive router with only a default gateway to your ISP and/or to the ISP that runs the BGP session for you (if that would be the case).
This is what we do at our gateway as well. The ISP advertises our network and routes the traffic to our system.
> If you want to launch a traceroute from public Internet, just to demonstrate above setup, you can use
It does not answer to us. First hop is via IPIP tunnel.
> Being said that, and nonetheless, I don’t think a Mikrotik RB750 is a good idea as it quite skimpy to have many things running at the same time.
> A Mikrotik RB2011 (no Wi-Fi) and above will be, for sue, very good platforms to play with.
Remember the suggestion was not the RB750 but the RB750Gr3.
This is an entirely different thing. It is more powerful than the RB2011.
(but has less ports of course)
> Thanks Rob, so I can ignore all the wiki instructions then and follow the script and read me?
> I assume I don't want to use a dmz but put my vdsl router into dumb bridged modem mode?
Well that is usually better (when you don't want to be bitten by DMZ bugs), however that
complicates things a little bit. Maybe it is better to make that your second experiment :-)
When you want to put the VDSL router in bridged mode, you probably also want the MikroTik to double-up
as a NAT router for your normal internet use. In itself that is not a problem, it can do that.
But it requires a little more study of the matter, especially when you want to be able to talk from
AMPRnet to internet (no NAT) and at the same time want to talk from your RFC1918 LAN to internet using NAT.
This involves using "policy routing", i.e. two route tables, one for each usage, and "IP Route Rule"
settings to select the proper routing table based on source address. Like this:
/ip route rule
add src-address=44.x.x.x/28 table=ampr
then put all AMPRnet routes in the table "ampr". the normal table "main" has the "internet" routes.
Traffic from your normal LAN (e.g. 192.168.88.x) to normal internet addresses is routed via the "main"
table where there is a default route to your ISP, traffic from your AMPRnet network 44.x.x.x/28 is routed
to the "ampr" table where there are the 600 or so tunnel routes and a default route pointing to amprgw.
You may also want to separate the LAN side in two different networks, either by reserving physical
ports for each network or by using a tagged VLAN for one of the networks. Can be done as well.
Almost anything can be done using these routers. However, trying to do it all at once and
finding out everything with your network lying in shambles because you re-configured your VDSL
router to bridge mode at the same time is not the easiest way forward :-)
So, first experiment a bit with the modem in DMZ mode and the MikroTik behind it, find out how
things operate, lock yourself out and find out how to recover, etc. Then you can more easily
move on to a more complex configuration by adding the above mentioned things.