I did further debugging...
It is indeed our gateway that has the issue, it misses most
of the routes at least since yesterday (I notice because I have some mail
in the queue routed over IPIP that has stalled since yesterday).
But I do have another independently hosted IPIP host in the Netherlands
that receives all the normal routes. It is at IP
and is located in another datacenter.
So likely it is a routing issue on the internet...
I'm setting up a gateway on a linux server, I have added NAT and firewall
rules to send protocol 4 over to my server at Here's some output
from tcpdump. Does this look right to you? Under it I have the output from
ampr-ripd, showing nothing coming in. > UDP, length 102
15:41:24.153222 IP (tos 0x50, ttl 242, id 15047, offset 0, flags [none],
proto IPIP (4), length 174)
ip72-192-148-49.sd.sd.cox.net > IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0,
offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 154) > UDP, length 126
15:41:35.790028 IP (tos 0x50, ttl 232, id 5104, offset 0, flags [none],
proto IPIP (4), length 166)
dhcp-91-241-24-251.zc.net.pl > IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0,
offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 146) > UDP, length 118
15:41:40.735505 IP (tos 0x50, ttl 233, id 5482, offset 0, flags [none],
proto IPIP (4), length 150)
89-67-160-225.dynamic.chello.pl > IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0,
offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 130) > UDP, length 102
15:42:24.169078 IP (tos 0x50, ttl 242, id 15303, offset 0, flags [none],
proto IPIP (4), length 174)
ip72-192-148-49.sd.sd.cox.net > IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0,
offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 154) > UDP, length 126
15:42:35.827618 IP (tos 0x50, ttl 232, id 5105, offset 0, flags [none],
proto IPIP (4), length 166)
dhcp-91-241-24-251.zc.net.pl > IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0,
offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 146) > UDP, length 118
root@rigel:~/ampr-ripd-2.4# ./ampr-ripd -d -i tunl0
Using gateway for direct 44net endpoints via interface enp2s0.
Waiting for RIPv2 broadcasts...
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and 73,
-Nate, KJ7DMC
Hi Brian,
I am trying to reach you off-list but the message keeps bouncing at your bkantor.net o365 mailbox due to security settings.
I have a question about re-routing my BGP subnet.
Would it be possible to contact me off-list please?
Ruben - ON3RVH
Hello All!
I just got my /24 setup over at vultr. Im trying to follow a generic
VYOS guide to setup bgp. Im getting some errors when trying to setup the
bgp network command. Im used to working with cisco stuff, never really
configured anything else.
Has anyone used VYOS for bgp? Or is there another router OS thats better
to use.
hoping won't be OT for "44 Net" mailing list, I would like to ask for yours
experience with current AX25 support on Debian and specifically on Linux
(Raspbian) based (Raspberry PI) node.
At the moment my node should have 1 radio port (1 6pack interface to TNC)
and one AXIP link via 44 net.
In a previuos post I can see some warnings about "... many kernel issues
with the AX25 stack and newer kernels that cause the kernel to simply lock,
panic, and other nasties ..." and so the downgrade advice.
On the other hand I can see AX25 kernel patch mailing list with some recent
kernel little patches about AX25 ... someone know the real recent kernels
It is absolutely necessary to downgrade from current stable 4.14.98 to
previous 4.1.21 (for example ...)? In this case, is there a more recent
"good" downgrade kernel?
It is better to use "Jessie" instead of "Stretch" distro?
Again about AX25 packages AX.25 Apps, AX.25 Tools, AX.25 Library: It is
always the best choise to recompile and use VE7FET packages (thanks to Lee
VE7FET for bugs fixed and reorganizing) instead of official repository
(APT) ?
It's a pity that there is no way to have a single good source ...
Thanks for sharing your experience... may help to shorten the time to right
configure a new node for more than someone ;)
'73 de Lorenzo iw3her
> This is another drawback : all outgoing traffic (to Internet) has to go
> through one of our gateways, and can not be forwareded to Internet
> directly by an endpoint via its local (NATted) ISP.
Yes of course. In our case that is not very important because our gateway is in
a datacenter in Amsterdam, where most of the internet traffic passes anyway, and
the ping time to typical internet hosts nearby is like 2ms. I have a 5.5ms
ping time to our gateway via my VDSL connection, and ~9ms via the radio links.
That isn't an issue.
In Germany it should not really be a problem to do it like this, they could have
several datacenters across the country too. The trick is of course to find
something that is inexpensive enough to pay it out of someone's pocket, as
setting up a donation or contribution system is quite difficult, especially
in the amateur radio community.
(in Dutch a Ham is called "zendamateur" which is often written as "centamateur"
in situations concerning financing community projects. it is funny that many
amateurs have no problem paying like 2000-4000 euro for a transceiver, but won't
consider paying 20 euro/year to sponsor a community project)
> Since many on this group have the peculiar knowledge on AX.25,
> on amateur packet radio and related stuff, it could be effective
> and proficient to re-compact the efforts to support, repair,
> improve and revamp the linux kernel, the NET/NOS and so on.
The problem with code in the kernel is that it is very difficult to get any improvements available
to the user. Assuming that not everyone wants to compile their own custom kernel from source,
you need to get the improvements implemented in the standard kernel and then you have to wait
until the distribution(s) of choice add this new fixed kernel into their distribution. Then you have to
wait until this distribution is widely used by the users.
This can easily take a year, maybe more! And when you discover problems or want to make additions
the cycle starts again. Worse: when others make changes and break things, it takes a long time
before this impacts users and then again a long time to fix it.
So the approach really should be to take the stuff out of the kernel. Or maybe move it into an
indepently developed loadable kernel module, maybe via dkms or so.
> - We are an island, so our network will be managed as a "closed" network, with only two gateways to "the rest of the world", in two data centers located in the two the main cities.
It should be possible to get it working correct in that setup.
The main problems of the German network are:
- the use of many exitpoints towards internet that use consumer lines and NAT
- the reliance on consumer routers that offer no flexibility in routing and connection marking (AVM Fritzbox etc)
- the separation of different connection technologies in different routing tables evaluated sequentially instead of from smallest subnetsize up
- (motivated by some of the above points) the naive routing that does not take connections into account, so it cannot differentiate between outgoing and incoming connections
When you (and it looks like you do) abolish those internet connection points with NAT, most of the problems are already solved even in cases where the routing is asymmetrical and not optimal.
At least it works.
> And then you'll have issues in at least parts of the German networks.
You will have issues with them no matter what. Their network design just isn't suitable
for connection to internet. No matter if you do or don't use tunnels, you will always have
issues in some way.