On 8/16/21 2:46 AM, pete M via 44Net wrote:
If my thinking is correct that in order to comply
with the AUP and be issued ip address space from the amprnet allocation I must first have
my amateur radio license >then should not every ip address in the amprnet blocks be by
definition acceptable to communicate with? if not why not? That covers HAM to HAM - NO
That is where you are wrong. We
have seen many time rogue BGP route annonce comming from dark place in the world and the
safety of the ham to ham cannot be confirmed just by trusting the 44 net block of 44.0/09
and 44.128/10. Doing so is a false sens of security.
Yes, but please notice that no amount of renumbering or policy writing is going to solve
It can happen just as well on an amateur intranet.
As soon as you start expanding the network beyond your own horizon of "knowing what
is going on", you will introduce the risk of malicious people being connected in some
other place and abusing the network.
"network source address" should never be used to assign a high amount of trust
to traffic.
There should always be stronger methods of authentication in place, and even with those
you run the risk that you mistakenly assign trust to someone who isn't trustworthy.
It is just a fact of life and it is not really useful to worry too much about it.