During my tests yesterday (to get RIP working with a multicast socket) there
was an extended period where there was only a default route in my table 44
which is used to send network-44 traffic. This default route sends the traffic
to amprgw as tunneled traffic (ipip).
This route is normally used only for traffic leaving net 44 to the internet, and
more specific tunnels are used for all gateway stations. But this temporarily
did not work while I was debugging and the RIP packets were not being
What I noticed was that I lost connectivity to the other network-44 stations
during that interval. I would expect that amprgw would forward the traffic
to the other stations. Of course this is not a desirable permanent situation,
but I think it worked in the past.
Has this forwarding been blocked in amprgw? Or is this something that must
be caused by a local configurarion error here? (like a firewall issue)