Couldn't we check the traffic and see if any traffic from the user to internet has
flowed via the amprgw box for a given allocation?
I know I have little reason to login for my allocation since its directly connected.
On June 18, 2015 11:58:23 AM EDT, Tom Hayward <esarfl(a)> wrote:
>(Please trim inclusions from previous messages)
>On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 8:47 AM, Brian Kantor <Brian(a)> wrote:
>> (Please trim inclusions from previous messages)
>> _______________________________________________
>> At my request, we're cleaning out obsolete entries from the portal.
>> A reminder is sent after 3 and 6 months with no login.
>> A warning is sent after 9 months with no login.
>> A notice is sent after 12 months with no login.
>> After 15 months, the user, their network allocations, and any
>> gateways belonging to them are deleted.
>> At the current time, there are 3 gateways and 70 allocations to
>> be so deleted.
>> - Brian
>Say a gateway operator has a stable system that has been running
>fault for 3 years. What does a portal login have to do with this? Why
>this allocation be deleted?