I found this topic back in the archives, and can shed a little light on
it from my testing. If you are looking to fully convert the encap.txt
for use on a cisco device, you will need a 2600 or better to handle the
large number of tunnels needed. I used an old encap.txt file and
converted about 320 tunnels which brought a 2610 to a screeching halt. I
will be testing with a 2651XM to see how results differ, hopefully I
will not need to get out any of the big stuff. Below is the output of a
converted line from an old encap.txt:
interface tunnel 750190592 <--tunnel number created from converting ip
to decimal
description Link to
ip unnumbered loopback1 <-- using the loopback as the assigned 44
address space (could use a physical)
tunnel source
tunnel destination
tunnel mode nos <-- compatible with jnos
ip route tunnel750190592
The next issue is RIP updated to jnos. I get updated sent to jnos, but
it does not add them to the routing table. The error states that the
routes are not from IPIP and they are domain 0. I will make the
conversion script available when I get it a little more polished.