Though I have yet to get my /24 directly connected, the procedure seems
well documented in the TOS found here:
Basicly, do this:
find one or more AS willing to announce your block via BGP and route it to
you. Execute the agreement as outlined in the TOS. Anyone who already has
an AS running BGP on the internet ought easily understand what is being
asked for in the TOS. basicly, you are bringing address space with you.
It's kinda the internet version of porting your phone number. If you're
looking for an exact list of what to buy to set this up you are not going
to find one because that list will vary with tour exact setup. What you
will find, again in the TOS is an outline of what that hardware must do.
It either needs to at present set up a tunnel mesh or it needs to speak BGP
and exactly what equipment speaks BGP is between you and your service
provider as it may end up that especially if you're not multihomed they may
very well just drop you a point to point link that is your /24 that you can
then subnet at will on your end of the link. First things first, find a
service provider willing to take you on and talk to them about it. much
easier than futzing with all the tunnel mesh stuff.
On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Steve Wright <stevewrightnz(a)>wrote;wrote:
> (Please trim inclusions from previous messages)
> _______________________________________________
> > my thought is we need
> > more people working on finishing the portal first.
> What exactly is that going to DO?
> Here I am sitting on my hands trying to figure out how to get my (already
> allocated MONTHS AGO) /24 connected to the flamin internet. No one seems
> focussed on making a wiki entry about THAT. Rather, they'd be happier
> tunneling their little private network to someone elses'. It seems that
> many other groups have been waiting YEARS for this assistance or
> documentation, and MANY other groups who have just given up in disgust.
> Would the people who ACTUALLY HAVE a properly connected (live to the
> internet) 44 subnet that they openly brag about, kindly document the bloody
> thing in the wiki so I can do it as well? This isn't a dick measuring
> group, its a networking group. You know what you're doing, so write it up
> so mere mortals can achieve a positive result as well.
> There needs to be a sample equipment list with DIY workarounds for those
> with time but not money, and there needs to be a VERY well written
> document-set to hand to my ISP so I don't scare them into just plain
> refusing my request, or unduly taxing their tech team.
> Thank you.