On 8/11/21 8:29 AM, Ruben ON3RVH via 44Net wrote:
This is easily fixable at the pop level. Still no need
for complicated setups.
Since every subnet has to he known in the portal, a script could parse the portal for all
known subnets and only allow those in and block the unknown subnets.
Again, no need for complicated routers/routing.
At the edge level you allow 44/9 & 44.128/10 and the pop filters the rest so that bgp
hijacked subnets cannot even get to the network, let alone your edge
There’s a simple answer to all cases that does not need renumbering.
We also cannot have a part of the network not reachable for other hams and cannot ask
every ham to have 2 subnets and do complex routing themselves.
Agree to all of the
Amprnet is an open network for hams and everything
should be easily reachable to all hams that connect to amprnet.
Agree 100%
Ruben - ON3RVH