All ideas are good, including that to involve the participation
of 'linux-ham', other interested groups, single skilled hams, etc.
Then having a site in which it is possible to download single
patches, single patched modules, or better (for me) a packaged
compiled kernel+modules ready for installation should be the
maximum reaction for testing implied stuff.
May be that the above may benefit and cure in some way the
actual procedures of official developer's kernel group...
73 and ciao, gustavo i0ojj
On 03/19/2019 12:38 AM, Marius Petrescu wrote:
Just an observation: It is possible to recompile just
a kernel module.
Get the kernel source, extract the module, patch, compile and load. If
it works, replace the default one with it.
Not for the faint hearted, but it is an option.
Marius, YO2LOJ
On 18.03.2019 22:32, Rob Janssen wrote:
> > Since many on this group have the peculiar knowledge on AX.25,
> > on amateur packet radio and related stuff, it could be effective
> > and proficient to re-compact the efforts to support, repair,
> > improve and revamp the linux kernel, the NET/NOS and so on.
> The problem with code in the kernel is that it is very difficult to
> get any improvements available
> to the user. Assuming that not everyone wants to compile their own
> custom kernel from source,
> you need to get the improvements implemented in the standard kernel
> and then you have to wait
> until the distribution(s) of choice add this new fixed kernel into
> their distribution. Then you have to
> wait until this distribution is widely used by the users.
> This can easily take a year, maybe more! And when you discover
> problems or want to make additions
> the cycle starts again. Worse: when others make changes and break
> things, it takes a long time
> before this impacts users and then again a long time to fix it.
> So the approach really should be to take the stuff out of the kernel.
> Or maybe move it into an
> indepently developed loadable kernel module, maybe via dkms or so.
> Rob