With regards to this mode, I collected a stack of 20 or so evolution 3 idirect satellite
modems that output in the 950 megahertz range up to 2gig with intent to mod with a
transverter or lnb/a for ham use. They put out -35dbm from what I read and I have located
the software to mod these to use for ham. These use dvb s2 modulation from what I
remember. They also feature full routing and a Linux kernel built in. Also do both
transmit and receive.
All the modems were working pulls and should be easy to mod. Not sure if this would solve
the issues of expensive hardware as these are bound for trash in most satellite operations
due to newer tech coming out and go for sub 100usd on eBay.
I have made two talk in bridge mode across coax with attenuators. Substitute coax for
transverter and feed horns and I think a point to point solution is easy.
I have not started to experiment more but was able to link at 20mbits. In scpc mode and
transfer data.
The modems are small and self contained as well.
Anyone wanting to experiment I will gladly share the info I found on these. Or even share
the hardware for the good of experimentation.
Qpsk, tdma, and ofdm are some modes they do and while encryption is an option, it can be
turned off completely.
Spec sheet:
Best Regards,
Elias Basse
Sent from my iPhone