With all the respect ....
no one get exited those days from few pings to his router (i mean routers that connected
to the internet via DSL or fiber optic or cable(not via 1200 baud link))
it is just enough to see that amprgw is hit by constant 25mb/s garbage so what is it
more few pings every 5 seconds
I understand you want to be a good network neighbor but believe me the ping we make to a
single location is not something you have to bother too much to make so much effort in
changing the software
you are doing a great job and continue to do so but really no need to take care and
consider too much for the other network neighbors
I would like to see all the other neighbors reducing their traffic to amprgw from 25 mb/s
to say 100 kb/s then i would act the same ....
Ronen - 4Z4ZQ
We're trying to be good net neighbors.
- Brian