Ok I have a bgp session established. (No routes announced yet). Please examine the
following files. Why does one crash on startup and the other bird runs just fine?
root@Ampr44182822router:/etc/bird# cat bird.conf.works
router id;
protocol bgp vultr
local as 4288000184;
source address;
import none;
export all;
graceful restart on;
multihop 2;
neighbor as 64515;
password "password";
root@Ampr44182822router:/etc/root@Ampr44182822router:/etc/bird# cat bird.conf.broken
log "/var/log/bird.log" all;
router id;
protocol bgp vultr
local as 4288000184;
source address;
import none;
export all;
graceful restart on;
multihop 2;
neighbor as 64515;
password "password";
Bird chokes quietly on the broken one yet sets up a bgp session with no problem on the
working one. (File names indicate which is which. ). The idea here is to do this in
incremental steps thus I’m not announcing any routes yet. I simply want to see that I have
a peering session established with my neighbor. Then as a next step I can add a routing
stanza to announce my networks.
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