Am 13.09.2013 um 13:59 schrieb Brian Kantor <Brian(a)>du>:
(Please trim inclusions from previous messages)
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 05:46:41AM -0500, Kutche, Jerry (Mitchell) USA wrote:
Most of the assignments in our 44.48.x.x range
are nolonger in operation...
I know we were planning something to address this... what was that plan?
The old DNS database contains some 46,000 entries. Probably fewer than
500 of these are still valid.
Our HAMNET range in germany (which is quite new and really up to date) contains more than
3500 entries:
$ grep ^44.224 amprhosts|wc
778 2334 45315
$ grep ^44.225 amprhosts|wc
2868 8605 168263
Many of those are automatically generated by our tool
The old packet-radio range in germany nearly has 4900 entries:
$ grep ^44.130 amprhosts|wc
4894 14686 192806
Responsible for them are our regional coordinators. I guess, 60% of them are outdated.
We need the bot. We can't live with a web frontend.
The only option would be to consequently have country-based subdomains (i.E.
and either
- delegate requests (or have zone transfers to ucsd).
But then, it's wise to have a transfer for the reverse-Zones (imho, delegation of
PTRs of 44.130/16 and 44.224/15 is not possible).
- have small countries being able to be managed in a web frontend (and let generate it
their subzonefiles for them)
vy 73,
- Thomas dl9sau
IP coordination DL