I would be cautions about IPv6. Bill and Rob brought some very good
points. Also, the ISP Hurricane Electric offers a free certification
course if anyone wishes to further pursue IPv6. With ransomware, I
advise keeping regular timed cloud backups or regularly updated offline
copies. The local network of my operations center at work was hit by an
engineer hitting a link. Due to our 1Gbps connection (and that he had
the drive set to mount persistently, which is very common, especially in
Windows), our file server was encrypted in less than an hour. Restoring
the drive was my only option. We only lost data the engineer didn't save
on the file server and recent edits to files-in-use. *Lastly, RULE No. 1
- under no circumstances pay a ransomware developer, and RULE No. 2 - if
you weren't prepared for that, remember Rule No. 1. There is still 0%
guarantee that the developer will in fact provide you a key for the
money spent, and in some jurisdictions, paying a criminal is a crime.*
I recall when I first started working with AMPR and IPv6, I used a
DD-WRT router with IPv6 routing daemons, etc; but it did not have
ip6tables. Other routers had no way of manipulating ip6tables in the
GUI. This meant you had to figure out how to make a persistent IPv6
firewall script, if possible. Over time, I've found various quirks with
IPv6 implementations in devices. I believe some of the earlier versions
of OpenWRT also lacked ip6tables installed by default (meaning, it was
not installed unless it's made a dependency of the IPv6 packages). In
some, RA worked, but DHCPv6 was not implemented. In some earlier PCs,
IPv6 privacy is not implemented at all, or (as in Ubuntu) not enabled by
default. It was interesting how my search for an IPENCAP-capable router
aligned with my search for an IPv6-ready router as well.
I currently have a Verizon FiOS device that was provided by my ISP, and
I noted in the past that they can somehow access my device (and remove
the IPENCAP forward rule) and in addition that IPv6 appears unfiltered,
or leaves various ports open (none of which are documented). Lastly,
there is no IPv6 firewall to edit in the GUI; and they offer no
documentation on navigating the CLI of their device (it's probably an
added feature only to allow SSH tunneling and perhaps as a failsafe for
resetting and rebooting the device). Luckily, I provide my IPv6 tunnel,
and it's not via my ISP.
I solved this by placing my LEDE as the border router with my ISP, the
Verizon device is downstream (with IPv4 IGMPproxy enabled on its
interface, something else not noted in Verizon's Bring-your-own-device
documentation). In fact, Verizon never notes that they use IGMP
whatsoever, you may wish to check if your devices are sending multicast
requests upstream to you ISP. It appears they send firmware updates and
television listings via this method.
- Lynwood
Thankfully, IPv6 won't require updates for a lot
of the *NOS software
and older Linux versions being used at gateways
In fact so many users have been completely accustomed
to NAT that they even apply
it to AMPRnet... Putting their systems on RFC1918 addresses and translating it to
net-44 addresses in the router. I would not do that...