For those running an Echolink proxy/relay farm or interested in doing so:
I have released a new version 1.2.4c of my Echolink proxy/relay software, which is now
available on my website as
New in this version:
- fixes in the relay protocol by K1RFD (Echolink)
- changed the TCP queue management, now it is no longer required to tweak the
TCPQueueHighWater setting in the config file (setting can be deleted) and the
TCP send queue sizes in the system parameters (sysctl.conf)
- rewritten the use of select() to the Linux epoll(7) feature, should be more efficient
When you are running relays for Echolink, please update the software as it resolves
some issues for mobile users that were reported to K1RFD.
When running only proxies, the update is not that important unless you experience
the TCP queue issue described in the README file of version 1.2.3c and could not
completely eliminate it using TCPQueueHighWater.