> At the very least shouldn't AMPRnet folks be
able to send and receive
> email from other AMPRnet stations? I'd think that would be a good
> first step for dealing with EMail. A bit easier and safer than
> dealing with the whole Internet.
- Are you willing to establish an email server and be
willing to maintain it?
- Who would be responsible for maintaining the accounts?
- Do you have a privacy policy in place?
- What is your ISP's bandwidth limit?
- Do you have the facilities to backup and store emails for all users?
- The same DNS entries would be required, and the
ampr.org domain (or subdomain) would
have to be the only one used.
Hosting local Email is one of the things that makes 44net special. We
can, and should, do our own local Email. Twenty years ago local mail
was normal and expected - and hosted on DOS boxes...