O.K. That was what I was looking for. Thanks.
Also, is the standard procedure now for the address coordinators to apply
any changes that they approve in the portal to the DNS system? In other
words, if I make a change in the portal, is it expected that the coordinator
will make the accompanying change to DNS as well?
-----Original Message-----
From: 44net-bounces+n6mef=mefox.org(a)hamradio.ucsd.edu
[mailto:44net-bounces+n6mef=mefox.org@hamradio.ucsd.edu] On Behalf Of Geoff
Mike, what you need to do is ... request a new IP address or block with the
added note that you currently have those blocks you are actively using. This
will allow your coordinator to go into his history file and verify the
assignment and approve the new coordination. This will make your assignment
valid with the portal.