Re: [44net] Using Cisco Router as a gateway ?
Drorap <drorap(a)>
12/27/2015 10:09 PM
AMPRNet working group <44net(a)>
Dear Rob
I used to do it 15 years ago and it worked
I even publishe the config file to the Gateways users group that time
I did a bi directional tunneling to UCSD (that time it was called mirrorshades) and
let him deal with all the neccessary routes
That is considered unacceptable behaviour....
To be a good gateway in the IPIP tunnel system you need to setup tunnels to all the other
systems in the network.
I think it currently does not even work anymore as the UCSD system now blocks such wrongly
routed traffic.
In a Linux system as a router, you need only one tunnel interface and the tunnel endpoints
are defined in the route table
(can be put in a separate route table when you want to use the same system both for
internet and 44-net)
That route table is automatically kept uptodate using a RIP daemon like ampr-ripd.
Simple one-time setup and no more need to look
after it and run regular scripts that fetch files and send commands. When someone
changes their external address
or subnets they route, your system will know about it after 5 minutes.
But when you want to do it the difficult way, please go ahead!
After all, learning and experimenting is what it is all about.
Ready and working setups are not as interesting as finding out yourself how it all works
and what are advantages and
disadvantages of each method.