With the kind assistance of Jim Fuller, Maiko Langelaar and Chris Smith
have been working on an update of the AMPR gateways processing system.
That project is now ready for service.
Beginning October 15th 2012, updates to the gateways will be processed
on a new host,
portal.ampr.org, and the encap file will be distributed
from there. Both email distribution and ftp retrieval are supported,
as they were with the previous ampr-gateways host.
The new gateways robot mailing address is
Your logins and passwords from the previous gateways system should continue
to work on the new portal. The syntax and content of the various commands
and parameters for the robot are quite similar to the previous version; you
can get the details from the manual page for the new robot.
I would like to personally thank Jim Fuller for his many years of service
to the AMPRNet gateways community and wish him well. We couldn't have
done it without you! Thank you, Jim!
- Brian
PS: My apologies if you receive more than one copy of this note.