The E.212 MCC proposal seems good to me, the arguments are good. A few
further (less significant) arguments:
* There is a precedent: MCC is used in amateur radio DMR (MotoTRBO &
friends) ID allocations in the DMR-MARC network as the country prefix for
station IDs (in a DMR network, each user needs an unique 24-bit "phone
* I would guess the E.212 MCC numbering is pretty well carved in stone
(for currently existing countries, anyway), and outlive the DXCC country
code numbering.
* The DXCC list is being maintained for the purpose of DX hunting and QSL
validation for awards. The E.212 MCC list is being maintained for the
purpose of managing unique network addressing.
On Fri, 11 Dec 2015, Egbert - DD9QP wrote:
I will stick
to that E.212 thing as it uses only 3 digits and because
others are already doing this.
Sounds good. So let's see what we have up to now:
1.) private 32bit-ASN for 44/8 depending on E.212 country codes.
unique prefix for every country yes 42<mcc>xxxxx
ASN space dependend on size of
country on the go yes multi mccs for "big" ones
already used by some countries yes YO PA LU* (* only proposal)
mapable on internet-ASNs at edge yes --> see HamWan Group
compatible to existing 16bit-ASNs yes --> European HAMNET
compatible to existing hard-/software yes mikrotik, quagga, bird(?)
total unique management in own ASNs yes within own 42<mcc>-Range
allows different policies/registries yes every country decides
allows automatic IP-dependend ASNs yes every country decides (PA)
allows other methods for "generating" yes e.g. "klick a free ASN"
allows integration of "old" 16bit yes --> European HAMNET
allows integration of other 16bit yes no doubles --> mcc prefix
Transfer 32bit through 16bit possible yet not verified for HAMNET
Transfer 16bit through 32bit possible yet not verified for HAMNET
Anything else? Anyone out there who sees problems that could cause issues
when using this thing worldwide in ampr.org?
Once more: This is dedicated only to internal bgp-routing, not for routing
through internet.
- Hessu, OH7LZB