Sorry, I forgot to say which site: <>.
Yes, there are indexed <> subdomains, but I don’t seem to
be getting my point access. Those domains are older and indexing no longer works.
You can keep iterating that, but it is simply not true.
You undoubtedly have difficulties and I'm sure they are difficult to solve, but they
aren't wide.
Eventually according to Google, they will fall off
their indexing. Google indexing can no longer reach them or any new site.
Maybe your friend has told you that, but he has told you other things that are wrong. So
I would not count on that.
5) I asked Brian to add a TXT entry, as per the Google
Search console instructions.
It is in fact not required to do that, you can create a textfile with a name that is the
same as what you put in the TXT record and it will work the same way.
I have added sites to the search console in the past and used that method, it worked
6) Initialy Brian did not want to do it, saying he
didn’t want Google crawling all the 44net IPs
Contrary to what some "researchers" (and some of our fellow amateur radio
operators) enjoy doing, Google is not portscanning the IP space to find sites to crawl.
Google indexes HTTP links and follows them. Of course this takes bandwidth, but that is
not much when compared to the many many black-hat and white-hat portscanners.
9)I attempted to have the Google Search Console crawl
the site. It declined indicating "no errors" but an “anomaly”
I cannot help you with that. Your site appears OK from the outside, and my site(s) are
indexed just fine.
There is only one thing I cannot check: there could be some firewall filter that drops
Google indexing (usually from in the ampr gateway or in another system in
the path to you.
(our local sites within are not routed via that gateway so we are not
subject to that filter if it exists)
However I don't think that is the case because there are other sites that are being