Le 04/04/2018 à 21:44, lleachii(a)aol.com a écrit :
Not much details there. I see DNS updates are to be done by the
coordinators. As they are volunteers, and as they may be very busy, this
may not be compatible with a quick update required by a growing network
Our plans were to get a subnet large enough for our island, and to
manage the "internal" subnetting locally. We also planned to install our
own DNS servers hosted in our 2 data centers (in fact, they are already
running, with private addressing; we just have to migrate them to ampr
addressing, and move them to the DMZ).
I'm wondering about what would be the best solution :
- Use an independant domain name (ie, "radioamateur.tk")
- Use a subdomain of
ampr.org (ie, "corsica.ampr.org"), with a
sub-delegation from the parent "ampr.org" domain
In both solutions, we would have immediate access for local updates, on
our local DNS servers.
Comments and advices from similar situations are welcome.
73 de TK1BI