DD-WRT is not known to provide a method to compile/install the necessary software (i.e. a
RIP44 routing daemon). Aside from this, I cannot recall if a tunnel can be established.
Nonetheless, if you were to succeed standing up a tunnel, you'd need the routing
daemon to properly configure your reply traffic. This routing daemon concern may be
overcome by employing a Munge Script (hopefully DD-WRT has some tools like: `curl`, `ftp`,
`grep`, `fgrep`, `sed`, `sort` and `diff` installed in the firmware).
You can start testing using commands from the startampr, OpenWrt, Ubuntu and/or Linux
setup guides on the Wiki. Feel free to ask any questions (when you can stand up a tunnel).
I've never used the Munge Script method, I'm sure others have (I should note that
there's a script posted that can parse the encap.txt file - it's located on the
Firewall page). The `ip tunnel` commands in `startampr` should be of help to test
establishing the tunnel.
- Prior to using OpenWrt, I personally forwarded IPENCAP (IP Protocol No. 4) to a gateway
running Ubuntu Server. -
- Also see "Static IPENCAP Filtering of AMPR Nodes"
- Lynwood