To make it even easier on amprd:
1. Make a folder to your liking, e.g. 'test':
md test
2. Change to it:
cd test
3. Get amprd:
4. Unpack it:
tar -xf amprd-2.1.tgz
5. Change to the created folder:
cd amprd-2.1
6. Make the software:
7. If there was no error, install it:
make install
8. Create your config file:
nano /etc/amprd.conf
9. Write the following (write your 44 gateway ip instead of
prefix =
rip_receive = yes
rip_save = yes
10. Exit the editor pressing CTRL-X
11. Confirm saving with Y
12. Confirm file overwrite with ENTER
13. Become root:
sudo -s
14. Start amprd:
Check by issuing 'ifconfig'. There should be an interface called ampr0
with the IP set to your 44 gateway IP.
That's it...
15. Now set your amprd to autostart, by placing it into rc.local:
nano /etc/rc.local
Add a line
somewhere before the 'exit 0' line. Save the file...
16. Reboot...
You should have full mesh access.