Hi guys,
I tried to set up my router so match the current situation, so here are
the steps to get it working:
1. add a filter to Routing->prefix lists to drop, prefix
length 16-32, similar to the one for
(IMPORTANT - the dynamic created ampr- would interfere with
our tunnel base interface , having the same IP endpoint and taking
precedence over it being newer)
For the RIP protocol, you should now have drops on pref len
32, pref. len 16-32 and your local subnets (if any are
there), accept the rest.
2. Change your endpoint in the current ucsd-gw interface from to
3. Delete the interface ampr- in Interfaces
4. Delete the now invalid route to in IP->Routes
Wait a while for the first RIP update. Mesh access should work fully now
and you should see RIP updates in Routing->RIP->Routes
If you need access from internet to your 44net hosts, these are the
additional steps:
3. Add a new IPIP interface, lets say 'ucsd-gw-old' with endpoint (like the old one)
4. Add an unused 44 local ip other than your gateway IP witm mask /32 to
the 'ucsd-gw-old' interface in IP->Addresses
5. Add similar connection marks as the ones for ucsd-gw for uscd-gw-old
under IP->filter->mangle
6. Check your firewall filters to allow incoming connections from
ucsd-gw-old like tho ones from ucsd-gw (input and forward)
These latter changes will be removed after full switch to the new gateway.
Marius, YO2LOJ