El 13/08/15 a las 01:33, lleachii--- via 44Net escribió:
(Please trim inclusions from previous messages)
Has anyone successfully setup an IPENCAP tunnel and rip44d (or)
ampr-ripd on an OpenWRT device?
If so, please provide information, packages installed, list of
procedures (if you have them), etc.
I purchased an OpenWRT-compatible Gigabit Ethernet router that has
enough memory and storage to run AMPR Gateway on my border device.
Dear Lynwood,
I have an OpenWRT router running as my AMPR/Hamnet gateway at
I have ampr-ripd on it. I installed it a while ago, so I don't recall
the details of how I cross-compiled it, but I guess that, being a simple
C file it would be enough to just set up a cross-compiler and not the
whole OpenWRT buildchain. My router happens to be PPC instead of the
more common MIPS. If your router is also PPC by chance, then I can send
you the ampr-ripd binary to save you the process of cross-compiling.
My script to start the tunnel and ampr-ripd goes like this:
ip tunnel add ampr0 mode ipip local ttl 255
ip link set dev ampr0 up
ifconfig ampr0 multicast
ifconfig ampr0 netmask
ip rule add from to table 44 priority 5
ip route add default dev ampr0 via onlink table 44
/root/ampr-ripd -s -i ampr0 -a -t 44 -p pLaInTeXtpAsSwD
Probably you would want to change the rules to route via table 44, which
in my case are custom because there is both Hamnet and ampr-ripd routing
at the site.
The script is mainly taken from the ampr wiki.
It seems to me that, apart from ampr-ripd, the only packages you need
installed are ip and kmod-ipip, which I don't know if they come
installed by default or not.
I hope you find this info useful.
Dani EA4GPZ.